A smartphone offers the opportunity to be fully connected and engage with the world. With a few touches on the screen you have a recipe for pasta sauce in your hands, you can make videos to put on Youtube or you can check your account balance. Of course, calling and messaging are just as important for staying connected to your personal or business network. That’s why phones are a big part of our lives that we can’t live without. A device contains a lot of personal data and information, so we want to be able to use our smartphones for as long as possible. Also in the context of sustainability, reusing a telephone is better than just throwing it away. A device consists of countless raw materials. To name just a few examples, we’ve put together a list below:
- The battery consists of aluminum and lithium, among other things.
- The cameras and monitors are made, among other things, of glass and tin.
- The outside of a smartphone is often made of aluminum, plastic or, in rare cases, of gold, wood or other materials.
- The chip that makes the device usable contains, among other things, plastic.
All these raw materials therefore make a smartphone fairly expensive and that is also clearly visible in the prices of devices, as known by mobile phone wholesale suppliers. It has never been more attractive to become reseller of smartphones as it is today. Mobile phone wholesale suppliers are very aware of the focus shifting to sustainability in tech. To supply entrepreneurs who want to become reseller of smartphones we have a wide array of devices available. For the sake of convenience, we have divided these into categories, brands and models so that they are easy to find. Mobile phone wholesale suppliers do have the most popular phones in stock at any given moment and we are no exception.